
Saturday, February 11, 2017

hey my first time i want to focus on being made to feel like im not Mexican enough being looked down on because theres a billion more willing to work its not immigration that we want out . we want to get rid of the word illegally from in front of the word and to do this there has to be a way ...... ?why cant i go to mexico and order in Spanish but .Mexicans from Mexico can come and get on welfare or even a job and they will be given the application in Spanish ?but that two doesn't do me justice .......                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 So then lets focus on the farm labor contractors just to give an example SUNRISE HARVESTING AT 1888 ROCKWOOD AVE HEBER, CA 92249 ...  Now these people wont even hire you if your not from the 33d parallel Honduras el shitsador i mean salvador ...... you see looking for work in the fields entails or at least with these guys  a trial period more rigorous than the united state military training i went through to even be given the privilege to pick cut or harvest on the land i was born on but yet feeling like your saving a spot for their relative that hasn't got here yet.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          SUNRISE HARVESTING ALONG WITH PRIMETIME . sunrise owned by Irma lomali  and primetime owned by                               .is the worst in safety for their employs even though they were trained by one of the best harvesting company's in safety ...RALPH COLLAZO PACKING ....this is simple fact see sunrise and primetime should go through more training because of thier hiring and safety practice ...... for the fact of simple us patten laws for the use of broccoli bunchers that violate osho standers and codes ...... there unsatisfactory harvesting machines ..........